Friday, May 18, 2007

"Agressiveness in Worship" Part 2

If you are new to the site: read the first part, "Agressive in Worship" before reading here...
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"May the praise of God be in their mouths, and a double-edged sword in their hands."
Psalm 149:6

In part one of this series, it was mentioned, the "sword of worship." Personally, I have not heard much teaching on this "sword." But, within, in the heart of the Spirit, we need to understand more what this sword is, and how powerful it is.

We are told in Hebrews: "For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

This sword of worship, is the same sword!

It is a part of our armour: "Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God." Ephesians 6:17

With this in mind, understand, that as you begin worshiping God, as you begin to praise Him, as you begin confessing His Word, as you stand, fully armed, this "sword" is deadly to the enemy of our souls. This "sword" cuts through all bondage, all restraints, all attacks and brings freedom as a result. My main question is simply, why are we not using our weapon?

Again, we are told in Scripture, "Faith comes by hearing, and by hearing the Word of God." We have great need to speak the Word, as we praise and worship, the Word Himself, Jesus Christ. Speak out His promises, praise and thank Him as you worship.

Do you have any idea, the power that is in your hands? In this time where warriors of the Word are greatly needed, do you have any idea of the "calling" on your life from God? Yes, sadly, we spent more time, polishing the weapns, rather than using the weapons. As a guitarist. there is an old statement, "Your axe sure has seen a few battles hasnt it?" My guitars, especially the ones that are greatly used on the road, in services, yes at one time were brand new, shined in a beautiful way, but now, show some wear and tear. Does your weapons have a bit of wear and tear? Has your weapon "seen a few battles?"

God is wanting warriors who will shout His praises, not only in the privacy of home, but in public. God is wanting to begin what we would call "SUDDENLY" ministry. Meaning, that He, by His Spirit, wills and wants to begin to fall in sudden manner, on services, prayer meetings, gatherings. I believe that we are staged and ready for many suddenlies. In that too, we will see greater need to use our "sword of worship." Think if you will, as you throw your hands up and begin worshiping Him, proclaiming His Word, of how that sword begins "swinging." Think of all the freedom that will result in this. And, as God begins to move in sudden manner, the deliverance that will come for many.

The "sword of worship" is more than a song! It is a lifestyle!

The "sword of worship" is prophetic! It will be used to proclaim the "MOVE" of the Holy Spirit in greater ways than we have ever known. Recall if you will, in the Old Testament, of how many times the praise and worshipers went out before the army. Those songs of worship and praise, I believe, stunned the enemy, that as the army moved in, totally victory was the result! Again, God is calling the warriors of worship, to go forth, before the army, begin the "song" and see the ushering of God's "SUDDEN" move.

The "sword of worship" will proclaim the awesomeness of our King of kings, and Lord of lords!
It will usher in a flowing of the Spirit in the last days, like never seen or known before. This "sword" will be used not only by music ministry, but by intercessors at the Altar of God. Recently, it was prophesied, that intercession will once again become for many, a "full time job." I believe the openings are for many to apply. Are you called?

The opening are many for those who will be the warriors of worship and praise, brandishing the "sword of worship." Are you called?

I challenge you to seek His face, seek His heart, and ask about your position in this army. You are greatly needed. Please keep checking back with this site, as more will be added concerning this subject.

Remember: "Stand strong, dont budge!"

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