Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Who Do You Know?

Thus says the Lord: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom. Let not the mighty man glory in his might. Nor let the rich man glory in his riches: But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the Lord......... Jeremiah 9:23-24

Intelligence, power, and riches all give human beings the illusion of being in control - but the illusion always comes to an end. When we put our confidence in God alone, we find something worth boasting about.

One translation of this passage uses the word "boast" in place of "glory." Either way, the question still remains, What do you boast in? Whom do you glory?

When it comes to wisdom, the greatest wisdom a man can have is the mind of Christ. Scripture states; ""Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5). God's wisdom in matters that concern our lives, is way above the wisest man walking earth. His wisdom is a truth to live by. In his wisdom, as well there is no failure, where in man, he can fail and will somewhere, somehow do so. Even with the wisest mind, man still will confuse something. In Christ, with His mind, a clear direct path is always laid out. And in this, everytime, the wisest path is laid out.

When it comes to power and might, many people are incredibly strong. Many can do amazing feats with their strength. Many have power to command, might in their commanding. Many can cause people to know that they are with someone who is "powerful" someone who is a leader, and a ruler. But even then, their power, their might, their authority, is weak compared to the strength, power, and might of the Lord. The passage states: "Its not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord." His Spirit is the strength, the power, the authority that we need.

When it comes to wealth and riches, many use their wealth to buy, power, authority, might, many buy with it the best schooling that can be offered. Many use their wealth for good, many for bad. But there is One who is wealthy way above and beyond the richest on earth. One who in that wealth, will reach down and pick up the weakest, those who are without, and meet the needs that they have. There is One Who is the "source" and the "resource" of every need you will ever face. Scripture says: "He owns the cattle on the hills.." Even better: "He cares for the birds of the field, if He will care for them, how much more will He care for you.."

The greatest area of boasting and glorifying is that of boasting and glorifying God! It is the area of understanding Him. Understanding the One who says, "My ways are above your ways..." Understanding the One Who loves us in the most incredible way. In this too, not only in understanding Him, but even better "KNOWING" Him. You can Know Him, and then you can Know of Him. Many say they know Him, but in reality only "know of" Him. There is a huge difference between "knowing of Him" and KNOWING HIM!!!" Knowing that He is Lord!!!!! It is knowing Who He is. It is knowing Who is your strength, it is knwoing Who is your wisdom, it is knowing Who you can trust, it is Whom you have faith in, it is Jesus!!

Know Him today! Boast in Him today! Glory in Him today!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Midway Between Disobedience and Obedience

Recently while in study, I came across and old article that was speaking on the subject of obedience. A teacher whom I have admired for years, Andrew Murray, was laying forth some thoughts on the definitions of "obedience." A point that caught my eye was a statement about the "Garden" in Genesis. How God removed Adam and Eve from the Garden and from the Tree of Life, because of "disobedience" to His command.

An the Lord God commended the man saying, Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in that day that you eat of it you shall surely die.......Then to Adam He said, Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, You shall not eat of it...... So He drove out the man: and He placed cheribum at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life. (Genesis 2:16-17, 3:17, 24).

He pointed out that at the end of the Bible, in the Book of Revelation, that the way to the Tree of Life is made possible in the end, but by "obedience" to His command.

Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. (Rev 22:14)

He then showed how the "midway" point that made the difference was "The Cross of Christ."

For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous. (Rom 5:19)

A point here, notice how it says, "by one Man's obedience..." Jesus was obedient to the cross, by so doing, we have an opportunity and a way to righteousness.

The thought then came to me, whether it be diobedience or obedience, we will go through the Cross for both decisions. Let me state why I thought that. We have been commanded by God, "Be ye holy for I am Holy..." We have been told throughout the Word of God to be obedient to His Word. Now when I choose to walk in disobedience, I have to walk across what I have been commanded and told "Not" to do. So, therefore I will walk through and by the Cross of Christ, and in so doing, take a walk of disobedience to His Word to get to the place I really should not be in. The same holds true for "obedience" when I come to a decision and in that walk the way I have been commanded, walk the way that is True, then I walk through and by the Cross of Christ. In that I walk a walk of obedience to His Word.

So the Midway Between Disobedience and Obedience is the Cross of Christ...

But also too.. Thank God for His love, thank God for His mercy, His Grace.. That when we do fall into disobedience, and need forgiveness, He tells us: "That if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins" (Rev 1:9). We must stay pointed to the cross, we must stay directed through the cross. We must stay guided by the cross. For it is there that our freedom lies, our life is found, our forgiveness is found in Christ.

Recently, with the release of our new cd "Reflections and Foundations" a song was given, "Your Amazing Grace" a song that to me is close to the heart. Using lines from "Amazing Grace" what was added is:

"Its your amazing grace that covers me... Its your grace that sets me free.. And I will sing this song all my life... cause I was blind but now I see..."

Personally, I am thankful for that Amazing Grace. I know the relief of being set free from bondage. I know the healing of wounds, I know the forgiveness of sin. I know that in obedience to His word, I must pass through the Cross of Christ.

Even though this blog is more of a thought article. It is a true article of a freedom we can all have. It is something we all need. His love and grace through the cross, but getting there is a path one must take, a path of obedience.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hebrews 11:6 = "The Rewarder"

But without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Recently, while preparing to do a service, in prayer and in study, Hebrews 11:6 was the passage God was laying on my heart for this service. As I was meditating and contemplating this verse, I found that a word kept sticking out to me, "DILIGENTLY." Several times over this word seemed to be the basis of the whole upcoming service.

In a way, picking up from where recently leaving off with the last blog, "True Praise.." Listen and watch for the connections here. We stated, that when we know Him for Who He is, He is indeed the answer to any and every need we have. He is Lord, He is King, He is Saviour, He is healing, salvation, our source and our resource. We must believe in Who He is.

But this one word kept sticking out, "He is a rewarder of those who 'diligently' seek Him. In defining this word something comes to light that is encouraging as well as challenging. First off, it comes as a challenge to "make it our business" to seek Him. We must be earnest in our seeking, we must be forward in our seeking, zealous, we must make it "our calling" to seek Him. We must "search Him out!" Investigate Him. Inquire and require of Him. It should become to us as the "Gold Medal" to one in the olympics. We must "run for the gold." In this is yes, agony, but in this is a refusal to give up. Are you striving for Him? Then run for the gold!

It is in my "diligent" seeking that He rewards me. My "diligent" search He rewards. Listen to a translation of this verse, J.B. Phillips states it: "God rewards those who search for Him..." Very simple, very plain. But in this. we can find a promise given to us, found in Proverbs 8:17.

I love them that love me, and those who seek me early shall find me.

He again is the answer to any and all my needs. I have no reason for complaints, I do have reason for praise. He is faithful and true.

This reward, what is it? The reward is God Himself. Genesis 15:1 says "I Am thy exceedingly great reward." Again, all we need is God. He is everything we need. So, are you diligent in your search for Him. He is waiting to reward you with Himself.

A new song we have recorded and been blessed with is called: "Recklessly Abandoned." A term not many have heard before. It is attached to one St. Francis of Assissi. He was a wealthy man, his family was in clothing, he had all he could ever desire. But threw it all away and took on a rough "toesack" habit for clothing. He lost all to "seek" the Saviour. He was recklessly abandoned unto Jesus. Are you willing to loose all to gain all? Loose all to have only Jesus? A true challenge to our faith. But the answer to diligent seeking. A very radical approach to living in the Spirit of Christ!!!

You see as the lyrics state: "I hear you calling me, calling me to change, You say to lay it all down and dont look back, Just come be recklessly abandoned with you.. I hear you saying to me, leave my all at the cross, you say just lay it there and dont take it back.. Just be recklessly abandoned with you..." In this I must be diligent. Seek Him, that is the key.....

Monday, July 14, 2008

True Praise Does Not Complain

The title here on this blog, is a simple sentence that I recently came across. And how true these words, "True Praise Does Not Complain." True praise is thanksgiving, it is praising God for all the good and wonderful things He has done in our lives. With that, what would one have to complain about. In all reality, nothing, he has way more to be thankful for.

Hebrews 11:6 says something that we can use here. "Without faith it is impossible to please God. For he who comes to God must believe that He is......." Who is He to you? Is He Lord of lords, King of kings? Is he your healer? Is he your source? Your resource? Your deliverance? Your peace? Does He meet your needs? If you take time to look around you, you will find that He is way more than you may even think about. He has done wonderful things in and around your life. With that, does the words of thankfulness come from your heart, and off of your lips? If so, what do you have to complain about? Nothing, He has everything in control in and around your life.

Today, Thank Him, Praise Him!! He has done great things!!!!